Friday, April 17, 2009

Something for Amanda.

Happy Anniversary Baby!! I love you so much. If you will talk to Yoda you will find he has something for you.

I hope our next 5 years are just as great as the first 5. Love you.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

No excuses....

I have no excuses for not blogging. Yes, things have been very busy with work and school...It's 10pm and I just got home from both. But I've had chances to blog and just blew it off. I'm horrible I know. Forgive me?

So, things are good, blah blah blah. Now the important stuff.

Book Review!!!! Thought I had forgotten? Well, I didn't and no it didn't take me this long to read the book...I've read it twice since the last post and a couple of other books. Anyway, as promised here is what I have to say about "The Princess Bride".

I'm sure most of you have seen the movie(if not stop reading this blog, go rent the movie and make your life count for something!), but I doubt that even half of you have read the book. The book is acutally titled, "The Princess Bride. S. Morgnestern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure" by William Goldman. Now what Mr. Goldman did was take Morgenstern's classic book and cut out the boring stuff. That's right only the "good parts" as Mr. Goldman explains in the introduction. If you loved the movie you will love the book...there's hardly any difference(much more detail in the book of course). But what is interesting about the book is that Mr. Goldman will interrupt the story with his own comments about why he cut out the upcoming section and include his thoughts about what you just read. Some people might not like this sort of story-telling, but I enjoyed it b/c I always want to discuss the book I just read with someone else and get their opinions, but I didn't have to with "The Princess Bride" it was built in. Again, if you haven't seen the movie I don't understand why you are still reading this and not RUNNING to Movie Gallery, Blockbuster or wherever to rent it or heck just go to Wal-Mart and buy the me its worth it! If you have seen the movie, or would prefer to read the book before seeing the movie then go by BAMM or Barns-n-Noble and buy it or shoot me an email and I'll let you borrow it.

Next book....well, books...The Star Wars Saga.(stop your whining their good books!)

Earlier this week Amanda and I were going through some pictures and I came across some old school pics that I wanted to share with all of you. Hope Teale doesn't mind me sharing some of these, we both look so young.

Halloween Senior year, dressed up for marching band. I'm one of the Blue's Brothers, Teale if you don't know is the doctor.

New York Senior Trip. We searched for this stupid dog statue for ever. It almost caused me and Teale to leave our mom's in Central Park.

My cousin sent me this sign from new Orleans. I couldn't believe there was a company with my full name. I wonder if its still there or if Katrina took it away? And if I can get any benefits from them?

Well, that was just a couple of the pics I found, that I thought you would find interesting. One day I'll tell you the story of looking for that dog statue...its a good one. *you may need to click on the pics to get a better look*

So this friday is mine and Amanda's 5 year anniversary. I can't believe it has been 5 much has happened in such a short time...I wouldn't change anything, well maybe the whole FPC thing I would change but everything else can stay the same. Over the last 5 years I have come to love Amanda even more than I did the day we were married(which I didn't think was possible). She is my best friend and the love of my life. I love you Amanda.

Oh and look for another special blog coming very soon. Take Care


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So here's a real post.

What can I say? Things have been a little busy the last couple of weeks, mostly b/c I was sick. In my last post I told you how great Amanda was taking care of me; Well last Saturday night/Sunday morning (when the snow came)I was down for the count. I'm talking about up all night, almost passing out, wishing for death kinda sick. Amanda didn't like it when she asked what did she need to do and I told her, "Just put me out of my misery!" Seriously...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I'm feeling great now and we still don't know what caused that episode of sickness, but let's just say I won't be eating at Jim n' Nicks for a long while.

Besides that school is going well, Management is fine and I love my finance course. I have gotten much more interested in finances and economics. I have a test tmr night in both classes, so it will be a long night.

Have I ever told you how obsessed Amanda is with reality shows? Now, I love me some reality shows too, but Amanda is hard core about a few. Right now she is watching "Toddlers & Tiaras"...waste of time. Having a sister that was very involved in the pageant system the show irks me even more, because these parents take this way to serious. But I guess its like Dads and sons with sports. But telling a little girl that she won b/c she's the prettiest or lost b/c someone else is prettier?!!? Come on! I won't go on about that anymore.

I've been having an idea for my blog. While I was at FPC I read over 150 books, and I've read several more since I came home. I thought I would do like a little blog book review of ones I've read. I know we all have different tastes in books, mine is mostly Sci-Fi/Fanasty, but I do like other books. Also, if you have a book you think I would enjoy let me know and I'll read and review on here. I hope that maybe I will interest a few of you in some of my favorite books or give you ideas of books to get for a friend or spouse. The first book I'm going to review is one of my all-time favorites. I read the book in FPC and loved it. Amanda got it for me at Christmas and I have read it twice since then...World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks. No, this is not your typical Zombie book with blood and guts. This book is written in the style of an interview, where the author is a reporter who treks across the globe speaking to people that experienced the terror of the living dead. The book takes place 10 years in the future of our world...a world that has just seen the dead rise and walk the earth(Just like the Zombie movies of George A. Romero). Each interview leads him to someone else and what they went through, felt and thought at that time. The interviews range from social, political, military even ones that tug at your heart. One such interview is with Sharon, a twenty some odd year old woman with the mind of a four year old, and her escape from Zombies and a desperate/hysterical mother. I cried when I read this story. It was written so well, and I have always had a vivid imagination that when I read it I could hear the innocence in Sharon's voice.
Now most of you would never pick this book up, I understand, not everyone is a fan of Zombies. I never was growing up...I hate horror movies, but this book just...I don't know, stood out to me. It is not blood and guts! It is a book that feels real. If you can imagine that the dead could rise(they can't by the way, but if they could) you will read stories of how people would truly react. Give it a try, I'll even let you borrow it, or if you just refuse to read it maybe you know someone that would enjoy it.

I hope you enjoyed the book review and I hope you will read the book. I look forward to book suggestions from everyone....I'll read anything if its a good story. Next book will be The Princess Bride, yes it was a book before it was a movie.

Take Care...


Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'll post something real soon.

I promise that I will post something, but right now I wanted to mention how great my wife is. I am sick! So sick that my eyeballs are even hurting. Amanda has been so sweet taking care of me today. Right now she is gone to Wal-Mart to get me some stuff. How awesome is that? She hates having to run places...I usually do that when we need something, but today she isn't complaining at all. She keeps asking what she can do to help...I told her just to put me out of my misery, but she didn't find that funny. But I just wanted to take the time to tell all of you how great she is! I know sick people can be difficult to deal(especially me!) with but she has been great. I love you Amanda.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Anyone else have a TV show named after you?

Check this here. Well, maybe it wasn't named for me, but I couldn't believe there was a show with my name. Plus it was stop-motion animation! I gotta get this on DVD. Anyway, I thought it was cool. Take care.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

24 is finally back!

Ok, most of you might not know that the TV show "24" is my favorite show. I didn't start watching until season 5 when Chad recommended the show to me and I have been hooked ever since. I watched the previous seasons on DVD the weeks leading up to me going to FPC. I was so worried about missing the show while there but I was lucky and the writer's strike hit and pushed the show back a year to now. I am extremely pleased with the direction the show is going thus far. Yes, I know there have been only two episodes, but that's 4 hours in Jack Bauer Land. I hope that this season will be the best thus far. Let me know if you watch 24 and what you think of the season up till now.

Does anyone still watch Saturday Night Live? Amanda and I do every week (or at least TiVo it for later). It has been hit and miss with SNL the last couple of years but every now and then there are a few really good skits and even some really good full episodes. Amanda and I both love the skits with the Needlers: the couple that should be divorced, Debbie Downer, The Target Lady, Penelope, and the episodes hosted by Natalie Portman, Steve Carrell and most recently Neil Patrick Harris(Doogie Howser). Last week's episode had a great digital short(one of the best things about SNL now) that I wanted to make sure and share with everyone. Click here.

I also wanted to mention my resolutions since everyone has been doing that. Besides the obvious ones, my biggest goal is to lose more weight. I lost a total of 105 pounds in the year I was gone, but since coming home I have gained back 25 of that. I am not happy! So I have made the goal of losing a total or 75 lbs by the end of the year. It will be harder than the first 100 I lost, but I'm really going to do this. I was so happy that I lost so much and I really want to continue. Hope you all are doing well. Take Care.
