Friday, September 26, 2008

They say it's your birthday....

It's my birthday too yeah!! That's right folks I'm 29 today. I kinda feel different, but kinda don't. Make sense? I guess this birthday feels different because of how bad last year's birthday was. I'm use to waking up on my bday and having Amanda tell me, "Happy Birthday Baby" before I even get out of the bed. But, last year there was no one to tell me that. No one knew. I basically spent that day reading and keeping to myself, because I was devastated. I'm the type of person that believes your bday is YOUR DAY. All other days belong to other people, but your bday, its a special day just for you. I have always felt that you should enjoy that day as your own. A little childish and silly I know, but I'm a big kid anyway. Being home for this birthday changes everything for me. I don't need any presents, or anything like that now. I'm home and I can spend as much time as I want with my best friend....that is present enough for me.

I wish I could really explain the feelings I am having right now. It is so amazing the feeling of thankfulness. I didn't realize how important things were to until I had to miss out on them for a year. Amanda says I get annoyed with things, true, but what she doesn't realize is that I love the fact that I can get annoyed about things. I love her and nothing she could do will ever change that. I guess what I'm trying to say is your birthday IS a special day and you should treat it as your own. But, also take advantage of every single day you have and be thankful for the things you have and the people in your life because one day you will have to endure without some part of your life and regretting things is not how you want to live.

OK, I know you are all tired of that stuff. Time for more birthday info, Amanda got me the book, "Brisingr" by Christopher Paolini. It is the third book in a series of 4 about a boy who becomes a dragon rider. Yes, it is fantasy but such a good series. Amanda has something else planned for tonight but I don't know what. I'll let you know when I know. Well, take care and I hope your day is as good as mine.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Title

So...what do you think? Amanda help me decide and I must say I'm pleased with the new title. We're trying to come up with a sub-title to go along with it. Hopefully, I'll have one before the week is over.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good weekend. Alabama won so of course I had a good weekend. Amanda's brother and his family satyed with us Friday night and most of Saturday. I was able to spend time with my little newphew for the first time in a year. I can't believe how much he has changed. He was so funny, which I guess most 18 month old's are, and he made my day by waking me up to the two best words I could hear....
Here we are watching the Navy/Ball State game. Trying to get him to watching something besides "Signing Time."
All in all it was a good weekend. I spent time with my newphew and Bama won(it was ugly, but they won). Hope you all have a good week! Take Care


Thursday, September 4, 2008

A blog by any other name...

Help me people! I need a name for my blog. Since its inception it has been called "True Life: I'm in a Federal Prison Camp", but now that I'm home I just call it "True Life." I'm wanting to try something different or stick with what I've got, but I can't decide so I need your help. I would like suggestions on what to name my blog or if I should stick with what I've got. I would like to stay with the whole "True Life" theme, but I'll go with anything if it works. So comment away on what I can name my blog and after some time I'll post a blog with the one's I like best and let you all vote on the best one. Thank again for all your comments and input. I also have another new post below. Enjoy.


Roll Tide, School and Painting

Well, football season is finally here and I can’t explain how much I’m going to enjoy it. I can finally watch the games in the comfort of my own home and without wearing headphones. As you should all know I am a huge Alabama fan and I haven’t missed a game in, well I don’t remember the last time I missed watching or being at an Alabama football game. It’s the one thing I don’t let anything else get in the way of, seriously, I missed Amanda’s cousin’s wedding because it was at the same time as the UA/UT game. What can I say? I’m addicted. I could go on and on about Alabama football but I don’t have enough time or blog space. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Clemson game, not only because Bama destroyed them, but because I got to watch the game with some good friends. I do think that Crystal and Erin could give me and Chad a run for our money on who’s a bigger Bama fan.
Me relaxing during the game.

Amanda and I fell in love last Saturday. Not with each other again, but with the “Rock Band” for the Xbox 360. I have wanted a 360 for awhile now and now that Amanda has jumped on that train one could be in my future very soon. It took lot of encouragement to get both of us to sing a song, but once that mic was in our hands that was it. And I am shocked to say that Amanda is a better guitar player than me. Can’t win them all.

Since I came home I have been going back to school. I never finished my bachelor’s degree and that has always bothered me. I now have the opportunity to get my degree and to get it from the University of Alabama. I’m only taking one course right now to get back into the swing of things, but will be picking up the pace in January. I have 11 classes left to finish my degree so I’m going to really be cramming come this spring. It’s tough right now b/c I take a couple of nights each week to work on my course online through Bama, which takes away from spending time with Amanda but she understands that I’m doing this for us. (She’s great like that)

So, what did you do on your Labor Day? Relaxed? Watched TV? Grilled out? Not me and Amanda!! Nope we painted! What every man wants to hear from his wife, “Let’s paint the living room this weekend.” LOL! Truthfully, I think it was more my idea to do it Monday, but Amanda wasn’t shying from the thought. It was tougher than I thought it would be, but we got it all done. You can check out pics on Amanda’s blog and let her know what you think.

A new goal for me now is to try and keep my blog more up to date…I promise! Until next time, take care! are some pics from my office now that it's finished.

Told you I was a big Bama Fan!