Monday, October 13, 2008

Guess who's birthday it is...

Happy Birthday Amanda! As I write this right now you are taking a shower to get ready for work. I am so nervous right now because I want to make this birthday so very special for you. I missed your birthday last year because I was gone and it still bothers me. I hope you are surprised when I give you your present. It is from my heart which will always belong to you. I love you very much so and hope to make your 27th birthday something special.

Hey everyone, take a moment today to wish my wife and the sweetest person I know a very happy birthday!

Take Care.



Anonymous said...

That is soooo sweet Josh. I know whatever it is you give her she will love!!!!!

Ruby said...

Thank you, Josh, for being so loving to your sweet Amanda.
Ruby S. Johnson

Randal, Belinda and Caylee-Grace said...

Way to go on Amanda's b'day. I believe you did a great job making it a wonderful b'day. My husband wouldn't never do all that for me. He isn't that creative. You are a sweetie.