Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So here's a real post.

What can I say? Things have been a little busy the last couple of weeks, mostly b/c I was sick. In my last post I told you how great Amanda was taking care of me; Well last Saturday night/Sunday morning (when the snow came)I was down for the count. I'm talking about up all night, almost passing out, wishing for death kinda sick. Amanda didn't like it when she asked what did she need to do and I told her, "Just put me out of my misery!" Seriously...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. I'm feeling great now and we still don't know what caused that episode of sickness, but let's just say I won't be eating at Jim n' Nicks for a long while.

Besides that school is going well, Management is fine and I love my finance course. I have gotten much more interested in finances and economics. I have a test tmr night in both classes, so it will be a long night.

Have I ever told you how obsessed Amanda is with reality shows? Now, I love me some reality shows too, but Amanda is hard core about a few. Right now she is watching "Toddlers & Tiaras"...waste of time. Having a sister that was very involved in the pageant system the show irks me even more, because these parents take this way to serious. But I guess its like Dads and sons with sports. But telling a little girl that she won b/c she's the prettiest or lost b/c someone else is prettier?!!? Come on! I won't go on about that anymore.

I've been having an idea for my blog. While I was at FPC I read over 150 books, and I've read several more since I came home. I thought I would do like a little blog book review of ones I've read. I know we all have different tastes in books, mine is mostly Sci-Fi/Fanasty, but I do like other books. Also, if you have a book you think I would enjoy let me know and I'll read and review on here. I hope that maybe I will interest a few of you in some of my favorite books or give you ideas of books to get for a friend or spouse. The first book I'm going to review is one of my all-time favorites. I read the book in FPC and loved it. Amanda got it for me at Christmas and I have read it twice since then...World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks. No, this is not your typical Zombie book with blood and guts. This book is written in the style of an interview, where the author is a reporter who treks across the globe speaking to people that experienced the terror of the living dead. The book takes place 10 years in the future of our world...a world that has just seen the dead rise and walk the earth(Just like the Zombie movies of George A. Romero). Each interview leads him to someone else and what they went through, felt and thought at that time. The interviews range from social, political, military even ones that tug at your heart. One such interview is with Sharon, a twenty some odd year old woman with the mind of a four year old, and her escape from Zombies and a desperate/hysterical mother. I cried when I read this story. It was written so well, and I have always had a vivid imagination that when I read it I could hear the innocence in Sharon's voice.
Now most of you would never pick this book up, I understand, not everyone is a fan of Zombies. I never was growing up...I hate horror movies, but this book just...I don't know, stood out to me. It is not blood and guts! It is a book that feels real. If you can imagine that the dead could rise(they can't by the way, but if they could) you will read stories of how people would truly react. Give it a try, I'll even let you borrow it, or if you just refuse to read it maybe you know someone that would enjoy it.

I hope you enjoyed the book review and I hope you will read the book. I look forward to book suggestions from everyone....I'll read anything if its a good story. Next book will be The Princess Bride, yes it was a book before it was a movie.

Take Care...



Unknown said...

I love the idea of doing book reviews...we all know I'm not much of a reader, but since you love to read, I'm sure this will be beneficial to you as well as to others. Good idear baby! xoxo

Oh, and my word verfication is "oidosesi" near as funny as Teale's was last time ;o)

Leah said...

Josh, my last blog entry from January is a book review! I listed my favorite books. Maybe you could pick one of 'em to read and review! I didn't realize "The Princess Bride" was a book... I'll probably be reading that one next!

Teale said...

I watch toddlers and tiaras too! What can I say, I just can't stay away... I'm a reality tv junkie too. Does she watch 18 kids and counting?

I'm a big John Grisham fan... I recommend "The Partner".

Anonymous said...

Let me start by saying that I am SUPER excited about your book reviews. I have gotten very into reading here lately and this semester alone have bought at least 50 books. Mind you some of them are children's books for my classes but they have been good none the less. Have you read "The Scorpion House". It is a science fiction book that you may be very interested in. Slow start but very interesting book. Can't wait to hear more and you next book review is one of my all time favorite books. Can't wait to hear what you say about it!!!!!

Randal, Belinda and Caylee-Grace said...

Sorry to hear you was so sick. I'm so glad you are feeling better.

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