Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First week home

Well, it has been one week since I came home. I can not begin to describe how wonderful it is to be back into my normal life. I’m still getting used to certain things, but for the most part it’s like I never left. The best part is that it doesn’t seem like Amanda and I have missed a single beat. We still laugh about the same stuff and can still finish each other’s sentences. The toughest thing to get use to has been the small things….things that you wouldn’t think would be a big deal but have been things I looked forward to more than I realized. Do you know what its like to walk around your home barefoot? Of course you do! Well, I couldn’t do that for the last year. It’s amazing!!! Taking a shower is great, not just being the only person in the shower but also taking a shower without flip-flops.

Amanda thought it would be funny to get a picture of my bare feet in the shower.
They are stark white b/c we couldn’t be outside barefoot at the camp. And if you know me you know I love to wear flip-flops in the summertime, so I’m trying to get the tan back. (Sorry if some of you aren't feet people)

So, Tuesday night Amanda and I decided to cook a little Mexican dinner. She made a delicious chicken enchilada dip, and I made “prison wraps” or burritos. Amanda enjoyed them, or at least so she says. I thought they were good and we had a blast cooking together. That’s one thing she and I have always enjoyed…trying new recipes together.

That’s me making the wraps.

And that is the finished product.

Wednesday night was my first time back at church in Columbiana. It was so good to be back with my church family. Singing church songs and hearing a lesson preached in truth was absolutely wonderful.

I was surprised by the sign.

Johnny (my #1 fan), me, Nic and Liz.

Sunday morning at church I was in for another surprise. After morning service we had a fellowship meal, which is normal for the 4th Sunday when going to the nursing home, but the church decorated the fellowship hall welcoming me back home. I had a smile on my face the whole day.

The spread of food was great, as always at Columbiana.

Me and my dad.

Me and Amanda.

Me in front of my “Welcome Home” sign.

Me and Shaw.
Three of the biggest kids you will ever meet.

After church that afternoon Nic, Liz, Lauren (a friend of Liz’s and now a friend of ours), Amanda and I headed up to Alabaster for a movie. Of course, Nic and I wanted to see Star Wars while the girls not so much. With it being my first movie to see since coming home I got my way…with a little compromise; the girls went to see another movie while Nic and I saw Star Wars. It was great!!! I’m a dork I know, but I love SW and was really happy to finally see it. After the movie we did the usual and went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and some good old’ conversating.

Me in front to the Star Wars poster. (Amanda has had a blast taking pictures every time I turn around).

All in all I have to say my first week home has been great. Seeing friends, helping Amanda around the house (I love yard work), playing with the dogs, starting my college class, just being a normal person again. I’ll be posting pics of my office later this week (we had a lot of fun getting it set-up). Until next time, take care.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Free at last, Free at last!!

As Braveheart once said, "FREEEEEEEEEDOOOOOM!" It is a wonderful feeling to finally be at home. I left the halfway house at 8:45 yesterday morning, went and talked to my PO and then made the 30 minute drive home in like 15 minutes. Amanda was excited and the dogs were just happy that I was home so Amanda would stop taking random pictures. Its hard for me to really describe how I feel, when people ask. The only word I have been using is excited b/c that's about as close as I can come to describing how this feels. But, another word would be relief. This whole situation is now over and Amanda and I can now truly move forward with our lives.
I want to thank all of our friends for their thoughts and prayers as Amanda and I have gone through this difficult journey. You'll never know how much you all mean to us.

Now I want to tell you how I got through this whole mess. If it hadn't been for Amanda and I don't know how I would have dealt with things. But having her stand by me, come and visit me, talk with me about our future made all the difference in the world. I learned a lot of things this past year, mostly about my self, and the biggest thing of all was how much I truly love and adore Amanda. I found a new level of respect for my wife, which I think is very important because we all respect our spouses (or should) but sometimes its out of habit. When I look back on all we went through and how easy it would have been for Amanda to "pack it in" or just not come and visit me as much, I see how strong of a person she is. She's great! I mean what else can I say? Just like my feelings to be back home are indescribable so are my feelings for Amanda. I love her for who she is...a beautiful, caring, funny, sweet, strong woman. Thanks for letting me have that moment to talk about Amanda, I haven't had the chance to really say those things and you all need to know (if you don't already) how great she is.

Well, that's my first post from home. We've got a lot of things to do today...dog's getting groomed, putting my stuff up, and maybe a movie. Oh one last thing....I need some ideas on a new blog title since I'm not in a federal prison anymore. :) Take care.
