Thursday, May 29, 2008

Well folks...

It's Tuesday evening and I'm watching it rain. A lot has happened since my last blog, and I'm sorry I haven't written sooner. (AJ - The nerve Josh...I update my blog at least every other day ;o) So, let's get down to business!

The biggest news is that I have my official date for leaving Talladega FPC. This is when I will go to the half-way house, not home, but at least I'm outta here. So, July 15th is the big day! I can not explain how excited I am about leaving this place (AJ - I told someone at work today that I'm so excited about standing outside with you and breathing in the air together!). I have 33 days of hwh time but I shouldn't be there more than 2-3 weeks. I'm hoping for home confinement for those 33 days but I'll take anything to be out of here. As of right now I have 49 days and a wake-up, by the time you are reading this it will be much less. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, but most importantly spending time with Amanda (AJ - Good answer, good answer!)

So, since my last blog there has been some craziness going on here. The warden took the weight pile from us and we lost visits for Memorial Day weekend. The reason is b/c a lot of contraband (tobacco, Hydroxicut, creatine, gin, etc) was found. So, b/c of the actions of a few morons, the whole camp is suffering. This is the longest I have gone without seeing Amanda and it has been really tough (AJ - tell me about it!). I took for granted seeing each other every weekend. I don't want to miss another day. I refuse to be apart from her when I do finally get home (AJ - awwww...) This past weekend was so boring with nothing to do. We did have a softball tournament, but a fight broke out int he first game between two guys (one from my team) and the Rec yard was closed Saturday. things cooled off and were back to normal Sunday so that kinda helped the weekend. I read two books and got too much sun.

The regular softball season is going alright. I did hurt my thumb pretty bad in a game (I'm ok now) and my workout partner tore the ligaments behind his knee (he's still hurting). We don't play again until Saturday and we've got to replace two players (one whose hurt, previously mentioned, and another that was in the fight). I'm still enjoying playing and it does pass the time. With the weather getting warmer, it's become a good workout.

A few things before I go...
1) I want to comment on Chad's blog where he is answering questions..."Chad, I agree with you on almost all of Bama's games. I see a 9-3 season heading our way. We're beating Tennessee and Auburn, though (AJ - Tennessee maybe, but Auburn? Must have been another Josh write-o) I know how you feel about the Auburn game since you're married to Teale, b/c as long as Amanda keeps up this charade that she's an Auburn fan, I'm in the same boat.

2) I need to apologize to the lady's that were at Teale's for GNO the other night. I hope didn't interrupt the movie by calling my wife (AJ - You didn't). Just needed to make sure she got there safely. It was good talking to Teale (please think about what I said, it's only 11 days :o)

3) Someone please tell me what Amanda is doing to my office for me. I really want to know! (AJ - Sorry baby, but no one knows yet!)

4) I'm glad Stentsen is home! Not as glad as Erin is, I'm sure, but I do know how glad he is to be back with friends and family. I'm happy you're safe and cant' wait to meet you guys!

5) And finally, I'm going to steal a page from Chad...I need questions. Anything you want to ask. If you know me, come up with something; if you don't know me, there's plenty to ask! I'll answer your questions as soon as I get them. I need to fill blog space and this is a good way to get to know me better.

Take care and God Bless You!

Josh W. Jones

***Side Note from Amanda - FYI, I received this post at 4:30 and it is now 5:09 thank you very much ;o)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"What Up Fellas?"

Do you mind if I call you "Fellas"? Hey everyone! I'm sure you're wondering what that was all about. Well, that's something I say to the guys I play cards with. just something we find funny (AJ - man, you need to get out more baby!). How are you all? things are good here. I apologize for the delay of this blog...well actually, Amanda apologizes for not wanting to type my previous blog. But thanks to the constant pestering from me and the girls (Teale, Crystal, Belinda & Erin when you had dinner) getting on her case, it got typed. A lot has happened since then. Not really, but it sounded good. My time here is getting shorter (I'm under 100 days!), weight loss is going good, softball is good and I had a job change. So here goes...

One thing I promised to do when I came here was to lose weight, as much weight as I could but remain healthy. To date, I have lost 85 lbs and 8 inches in pant size. I've got 2 1/2 to 3 months left to lose another 25-30 lbs. I can tell a difference in myself. I can run better, not as tired and I just feel good. I'm doing a lot of weight lifting with cardio, I'll be stepping up the cardio here soon, and eating a lot of tun & salmon. Amanda sent me a pic of myself taken not long before I came here. I had no neck!!! I'm disgusted with that. I now have a neck and you can see my jawline. Amanda tells me she sees the difference. I hope it's true (AJ - it is so true, but you're still the same sweet, lovable Josh!). I'm changing myself for the better...hope you like the new Josh :o)

I mentioned in the last blog that I'm playing softball, well I am. In the pre-season, my team finished 4-2 and we are currently 1-1 in the regular season. I don't know what my batting average was in the pre-season, but right now I'm 2 for 3 in 2 games, but I didn't play the second game b/c I hurt my leg and we had some new guys to play. Out of 3 teams, I have been told I'm the best catcher, which is nice but catcher is for the slowest guy on the team. But, I will say I play the position well b/c I know how the game works. We've had two games rained out, but we have a game Wednesday. I'll tell Amanda if we won so she can put it in the blog (AJ - I know you told me, but I can't remember what you said, sorry!). I like the team I'm on b/c all of the guys get along, while other teams argue constantly. The playoffs start the middle of June so I'll have a lot of softball to talk about. Next time I'll have something from the game to talk about b/c craziness always occurs on the field (AJ - FYI, I have not seen it, but Josh did hurt his hand pretty bad Saturday afternoon in a softball game. It doesn't seem to be broken, but he said it was pretty bruised and swollen, so hopefully it will heal soon and not be so painful).

As some of you may know, I got a job change. For the last 9.5 months I have been a dorm orderly (cleaning the bathrooms). Well, last Monday I was told I would be working at the Warden/Business Office. No, it is not like Shawshank! One, b/c they don't let me do the books (he-he); and "B", I can't put the Warden's dry-cleaned clothes under my uniform b/c the warden is a woman. I'm sure I could try but it would look a little obvious. Anyway, I just take out the trash and clean the floors. Nothing to the job, just very boring. I read 3 books in a week, actually, I've read 8 books in the last two weeks. Lots of free time! The one perk of the job is I get to go outside the fence and walk to work. And yes, the air smells a whole lot better on that side of the fence!

I guess that will do it for this week. Hopefully, Amanda will post this blog when she gets it. (I'm just kidding, Mae! I love you) (AJ - and no, I did not post it when I got it...I know, I'm totally slacking on the job!) I'll update softball next time and maybe I'll have my exact date for leaving. I look forward to your comments and any questions you may have in general for me.

Josh W. Jones

Oh, Is anyone else as happy as me that Brooke got kicked off of Idol? (AJ - I'm not, I really liked her..not necessarily her singing, but she seemed so sweet. If any of you are Idol fans, and you did not see Best Week Ever, go to the link I've posted. It's "Brooke White Stops and Starts the Classics". I thought it was hilarious, and I'm so glad that she can laugh at herself! Enjoy... )